Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Inspire Community Garden - 2nd last Wednesday of 2016

The second last working Wednesday of 2016

It's lovely to see that the hard work given to the garden from all the volunteers has never faded away.
I was totally amazed that even although it's only a few days until Christmas, the garden was high on their to-do list over the festive period. (We may have that gardening fever!)

There was an organised fire with the wood that was of no use to the garden and the composting throne (lavvy) room was coming along quite nicely.
I have offered myself to use my sewing machine to make a pair of curtains for the "Throne Room"
Not bad Eh!

It's bitterly cold but still got time to smile.

We seem to be so lucky every time we're in the garden for the sun to appear.

There was the position of the wood burner and the talk about the tiles to go up the wall behind the burner.

Another lovely sunny end of the working day in the garden.

                                                              To Be Continued..........

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Inspire Community Garden - Last working Sunday of the year.

This was the last working Sunday of the year filled with fun, laughter and Seasons Greetings.

The guard dog came inside for a wee mince pie which was one of our treats after lunch.
Hey; it's Christmas!
Then work continued on the wood burner and the Christmas atmosphere arrived with the arrival of a Christmas tree and tinsel.

 I do think the dog likes to pose for the camera.

I managed to get some new wooden pieces to add onto an insect Hotel that I'm attempting to create.

All working hard on the land.

I have a four legged friend watching all the camera workings as she appears in lots of the pictures.

We now have glass in the composting toilet/throne room........
My next job is to make some colourful curtains for the "Lavvy!"

"X" was the marker for tree thinning at the bottom of the garden.

It's still lovely to see the tree dressings.

It's the end of another lovely Sunday on the Inspire Community garden.

Another good day.....
                                           To Be Continued.....................................